A range of activities are run through the centre

Seniors Lunch Club
Location: The Lurach Centre
This is a good opportunity for seniors to chat, have fun and enjoy a meal together in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.
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Art Class
Location: The Lurach Centre
Do you enjoy art but would like to improve your basic skills? If the answer is yes then why not consider coming along to our Art Classes on Tuesday mornings here in The Lurach Centre. Whatever your skill level they will help you develop your technique in a relaxed and friendly environment with other people that share the same interest.
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Alzheimer's Society - Carer Support Group
Location: The Lurach Centre
The Carer Support Group provides peer support to family and friends who care for a person with a diagnosis of dementia to help them in their caring role.
If you would like to speak to someone in a similar situation, share experiences about looking after someone diagnosed with dementia or find out how to access support services we encourage you to attend the group.
The Alzheimer's Society have a range of services in the Mid Ulster area including outreach visits, information programmes and befriending service. To find out more about these services please contact our office.
Mona McGlade
Dementia Support Worker - Mid Ulster
T: 028 8676 5888 M: 079 1870 6100

Beginners Pilates
Location: The Lurach Centre
Dates/Times: 6 week course beginning 17th October 2023
Beginners Pilates Course
The Lurach Centre - Main Hall
Tuesdays 8pm - 8.45pm
Cost £45 for six week course
Book your place now on the TY Fitness Website
Booking is essential.
Beginners Pilates works on correcting posture and strengthening core muscles. Pilates has been proven to help alleviate back pain and other muscular pains.
During the course there will be a focus on technique and establishing good form of the basic exercises.
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Improver Pilates Course
Location: The Lurach Centre
Dates/Times: 6 Week Course beginning 17th October 2023
Improver Pilates Course
The Lurach Centre - Main Hall
Tuesdays - 7pm-7.45pm
Cost - £45 for the six week course
Book your place now on the TY Fitness website
Places are limited so booking is essential.
This course is for those who have already completed a beginners Pilates course or have previous Pilates experience and want to progress and improve core strength, mobility and flexibility at a safe, yet challenging speed.
Pilates helps to correct posture and strengthen core muscles. It has been proven to help alleviate back pain and other muscular problems. During the course there will be a focus on technique and establishing good form of the basic exercises.
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Parent & Toddler Group
Location: The Lurach Centre
Our ever-popular Parent & Toddler Group meets on Thursday mornings in the Main Hall of The Lurach Centre where a warm welcome awaits both adults and children alike from our team of volunteers.
The children enjoy a fun morning together playing with the wide variety of toys, a snack time and a song time before they go home again.
There are also refreshments for the adults and it is a great opportunity for both parents/minders and children to meet and make new friends.
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Tea Dance
Location: The Lurach Centre
Dates/Times: 2nd Thursday of the month from 2pm-4pm
The Tea Dance provides an afternoon of music, dancing and light refreshments and everyone is most welcome to come along enjoy the entertainment and friendship.
Contact: John & Adeleine Selfridge
Telephone: 028 7964 2689

Parish Dance
Location: The Lurach Centre
Dates/Times: 1st Friday of each month from 9pm
The Parish Dances take place in The Lurach Centre on the first Friday of each month. Light refreshments are served at the Dances.
Contact: John & Adeleine Selfridge
Telephone: 028 7964 2689
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Gold Surestart
Location: The Lurach Centre
Surestart is a government funded initiative specifically for families with children under 4 who live in the top 25% disadvantaged wards in Northern Ireland
Research has shown that when children who have access to early intervention and positive play experiences enjoy more positive outcomes in adulthood.
The aims of Surestart are to:-
Improve the ability to learn by encouraging stimulating play, improving language and communication skills and by the early identification and support of children with additional needs.
Improve health by supporting parents in caring for children and promoting children's health and development.
Improve social development by supporting the early relationships between parents and children, enhancing positive parenting skills and early intervention and support of children with emotional, learning or behavioural needs.
Every parent wants the best for their children.
Help us to help you give your child the very best start in life - a Surestart!
At G-old Community Partnership Surestart we...
Offer free services that are designed especially for families from the antenatal period until their child reaches 4 years old, regardless of income, benefits or job status.
Work in partnership with local statutory services, community groups and parents to ensure there are appropriate services and support for families in the area.
Work in 7 electoral wards - Oldtown, Gortalowry, Killymoon, Ardboe, Dunamore, Pomeroy and Maghera.
Provide help, support and advocacy to families who are new to our area especially those who have come from another country and who do not have English as their first language.
Children are eligible to use G-old Community Partnership Surestart services up until their 4th birthday. After that children will be de-registered from Sure Start and when the youngest child in a family reaches 4, the family will then be deregistered also.
Please browse our site and feel free to contact us for any other additional information you may require.
All the services listed are available to these families as well as support to avail of other services both statutory and voluntary.
Gold Community Partnership
Top Floor, Loy Buildings,
18-24 Loy Street,
Co. Tyrone,
BT80 8PE
Telephone 028 867 69994
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